About Us
Who we are?
Hill Publishing Group is an independent international publisher of open access, online, peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. With an editorial team comprising some of the world's leading researchers, Hill Publishing Group communicates scientific discoveries to over 175 countries. There are also a series of special issues and conference papers in the related fields like journals. Our passion to serve the scientific community drove us to publish our journals on an open access platform (free to read and free to download). We strive hard to spread the knowledge and to broaden the scope of Journals worldwide. We welcome researchers, scholars, readers and people involved in and around the fields of Clinical, Biological, Social, Agricultural and Medical, with open arms to come forward to share and to gain the knowledge on an open access platform.
With the support from eminent scholars and researchers, we can build a huge platform for young researchers and academicians all around the globe.
Why Us?
- - Peer-reviewed
- - Rapid publication
- - Lifetime hosting
- - Free indexing service
- - Search engine friendly
- - Open Access
- - More citations
- - Free promotion service
Our Mission
Hill Publishing Group is dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. Hill Publishing Group and its members inspire a global community through its publications, conferences and professional and educational activities.
We ensure that scientists and researchers get the recognition and rewards that they deserve and the opportunity to play a significant role in the global scientific community.
HPG Contribution
Open Access
The HPG is an open access publisher which contributes towards the prosperity of scientific research and society by providing the free access to recent research through online library. The HPG journals are available online with full-text content freely.
International Platform
The HPG is an international association for academics, scientists, and researchers, which not only eliminates the detachment but also contributes towards the development of strong harmony and relationship among them.
Publications’ Variety
By publishing different kinds of papers, the HPG journals advocates the policy of overlaying the gap between academics, scientists, and researchers to improve the infrastructure of the society.
HPG Objective
The main objective of HPG journals is to spread innovative scientific research and excellence in knowledge and ideas. This association has turned out to be an eminent supporter for the research communities. This association has a wide range of open access journals. This association is working as an independent research body for the realization of innovative scientific theories and research practices to overlay the gap between the academician, researchers and industrial experts. The key objectives of HPG journals are as follows:
To provide a platform for spreading of research outputs and activities in computer science, electronics, biotechnology, management and applied sciences and other related fields.
To distribute knowledge and ideas among the engineers and scientists in an efficient manner.
To raise the research interest among scientists by providing the research grants and trained them for the interdisciplinary skills.
To keep the strong eye on the content of research papers and ensure the implementation of copyright and intellectual property law.
To raise the standards of refereed scientific journals for the quality publication.
To produce the genuine, realistic and qualitative innovations.
To build a team of renowned specialists on one platform throughout the world.
HPG Core Values
Quality: Ensuring high quality of output and service delivery.
Equity: Ensuring equal opportunity for all in all its programmes.
Integrity: Promotion of a high sense of moral and ethical standards in all its dealings with stakeholders and the public.
Professionalism: Professionalism is to be observed in all dealings and execution of the four core values.