
The Educational Review, USA

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What Do the University Students Think about Erasmus Programme in Turkey?

Verda Gizem Ogul
Marmara University, School of Foreign Languages, Goztepe Campus 34722 Kadikoy, Istanbul, Turkey
Corresponding author: Verda Gizem Ogul, Ph.D.
Published: May 21,2018


Student mobility has been one of the most important subjects of higher education stu-dents in Europe since the beginning of 1980’s. Furthermore, Socrates/Erasmus program has been the most successful component of European Union (EU) policy.  We have focused on the Erasmus program because it represents the most popular scheme of student mobility at the European level. This article analyses the Erasmus program from the point of view of Turkish university students. For this purpose, 15 itemed questionnaires were prepared. We grouped the questions into 4 sub-categories; information about and expectations from the EU, contribution of the Erasmus Programme (EP) to students’ self-development, contribution of the EP to the institution’s development and global benefits and expectations of the EPstudent knowledge about European Union, student dimension of Erasmus programme, institutional dimension and global profits of Erasmus Programme. This questionnaire was administered to 1546 university students to describe the results about Erasmus Programme in Turkey. The problem statements are; what the university students think about membership of Turkey to EU. Do they think they have knowledge of Erasmus Programme, individual benefits of Erasmus programme and also institutional benefits of Erasmus programme? In this research five-level Likert type scale is used.



How to cite this paper

What Do the University Students Think about Erasmus Programme in Turkey?

How to cite this paper: Ogul, V. G. (2018). What Do the University Students Think about Erasmus Programme in Turkey? The Educational Review, USA, 2(5), 296-308.
Full Text: PDF  DOI:10.26855/er.2018.05.004