
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Breadmaking Potential of Sorghum Flour and Sorghum Bran

A. A. Osibanjo*, P. O. Ibidapo, N. E. Efuribe, G. N. Elemo

Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: A. A. Osibanjo

Published: July 22,2022


Sorghum flour and sorghum bran were evaluated in terms of their baking quality, to determine possible use for breadmaking. The evaluation was done using a straight dough breadmaking process to make loaves of wheat composites, at different levels of combination, which were compared with those of cassava flour and wheat bran. Sensory evaluation of the bread produced shows that sorghum bran could be a promising alternative to wheat bran and the 30% level, with an overall acceptability score of 5.8, is preferred and better than the 50% with an overall acceptability score of 3.0. Sorghum flour, though gives slightly lower bread volumes in composites with wheat than cassava, also seems promising and can be further explored as it gives characteristics similar to whole grain bread. It thus appears that sorghum flour could be a suitable alternative to cassava flour and can be recommended for use in baking. This outcome can reduce the mounting pressure on cassava for baking and provide a ready alternative in sorghum growing areas, thereby adding value to sorghum and also making the bran a revenue generating material.


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How to cite this paper

Breadmaking Potential of Sorghum Flour and Sorghum Bran

How to cite this paper: A. A. Osibanjo, P. O. Ibidapo, N. E. Efuribe, G. N. Elemo. (2022) Breadmaking Potential of Sorghum Flour and Sorghum Bran. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(3), 267-271.