
The Educational Review, USA

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Identification of the Problems Faced in Conceptualization of Research and Preparing Comprehensive Synopsis

Maria Fareed1, Muhammad Arfan Lodhi2,*, Faiza Altaf3

1Department of English, Punjab Group of College, Punjab, Pakistan.

2Department of English, Higher Education Department (Collegiate Wing), Punjab, Pakistan.

3Department of English, Govt. Sadiq College Women University, Punjab, Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: Muhammad Arfan Lodhi

Published: July 28,2022


The current study investigated the issues and difficulties confronted by research scholars during conceptualizing their research and drafting synopsis in English linguistic discipline. Doing research is a mammoth but painstaking task but can be performed well if executed systematically and logically. Students at M. Phil level of education have to undergo valid and authentic research as pre requisite of their terminal degree. However, they face many difficulties during different phases and stages of their researches; major stages of research are conceptualization and operationalization. The present study identified the problems faced during conceptual phase of the research. The study was descriptive in its design and preferred to collect and analyze the data quantitatively. A representative sample of 100 students and 20 teachers was taken through applying random and convenient sampling techniques respectively. The findings obtained after analysis of the data reflect that students face a large of problems while planning their research. The nature of these problems is spread out from internally driven capacity and competency levels to externally driven interpersonal, institutional and financial components. The study concludes with strong recommendations of factual research facilitations for the research scholars at the very initial stage of their research planning. It is also suggested to provide financial and technical assistance to the prospective researchers so that they may carry out their research with ease, comfort and peace of mind.


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How to cite this paper

Identification of the Problems Faced in Conceptualization of Research and Preparing Comprehensive Synopsis

How to cite this paper: Maria Fareed, Muhammad Arfan Lodhi, Faiza Altaf. (2022). Identification of the Problems Faced in Conceptualization of Research and Preparing Comprehensive Synopsis. The Educational Review, USA6(7), 275-288.