
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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On Triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu Transform and Its Properties with Applications

Ali Al-Aati*, Mona Hunaiber, Yasmin Ouideen

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education and Sciences, Albaydha University, Al Bayda, Yemen.

*Corresponding author: Ali Al-Aati

Published: July 28,2022


In the literature, there are many different types of integral transforms such as Laplace transform, Aboodh transform, Sumudu transform, Ezaki transform, Shehu transform, and so on. These kinds of integral transforms have many applications in various fields of mathematical sciences and engineering such as physics, mechanics, etc. We combine the Laplace transform, Aboodh transform and Sumudu transform to give another transform which is called the triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu transform. This interesting transform reduces a linear partial differential equation with unknown function of three variables to an algebraic equation, which can then be solved by applying the inverse triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu transform. In this paper, we introduce double Laplace-Aboodh transform (DLAT), double Aboodh-Sumudu transform (DAST) and triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu transform (TLAST). We presented some fundamental properties and theorems about them. Moreover, we use the triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu transform to solve some kinds of partial differential equations.


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How to cite this paper

On Triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu Transform and Its Properties with Applications

How to cite this paper:  Ali Al-Aati, Mona Hunaiber, Yasmin Ouideen. (2022) On Triple Laplace-Aboodh-Sumudu Transform and Its Properties with Applications. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation6(3), 290-309.