
The Educational Review, USA

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Three Proposals in Adult Education to Improve Employability

Eduardo Blanco-Gómez

CEPA Antonio Machado, Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León. Segovia, Castilla y León, Spain.

*Corresponding author: Eduardo Blanco-Gómez

Published: August 1,2022


Adult education and lifelong education has become, during the twentieth century, a powerful tool in the societies all over the world. Considering a milestone The Meaning of Adult Education of Lindeman (1926), they are developed, all along the century, the three fundamental concepts of adult education: lifelong education, lifelong learning and lifewide learning. They are three similar but rather different concepts. That triple plays a crucial role to ensure active citizenship into society. Among them, the most influenced one by economic aspects is lifelong learning. European Union takes account about the importance of lifelong learning as a way to improve employability in the European area and definitely bets for adult education and lifelong learning. The aim of this paper is to show three proposals in adult education to improve employability: technical professional studies, entrepreneurship through the program ¿Cuál es tuvaca? and the course English for restaurants framed inside the non-formal education, carried out by Adult Education Centre CEPA Antonio Machado in the city of Segovia in Spain.


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How to cite this paper

Three Proposals in Adult Education to Improve Employability

How to cite this paper: Eduardo Blanco-Gómez. (2022). Three Proposals in Adult Education to Improve Employability. The Educational Review, USA6(7), 312-316.