
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Comparative Assessment of Vitamin Contents and Antifungal Activity of Seeds and Leaves of Unripe Pawpaw (Carica papaya L.)

Adewale Michael Esan1,*, Oluwaseyi Barnabas Oderinde1, Tolulope Omotope Omolekan2, Charles Ojo Olaiya1

1Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

2Department of Biochemistry, Bowen University, Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: Adewale Michael Esan

Published: August 4,2022


The results of a comparative study on vitamin compositions of unripe C. papaya showed that vitamin A and C contents of aqueous and ethanol leaves and seeds extracts respectively, was higher than that of vitamin E. However, vitamin A and C contents in the aqueous leaves and seeds extracts respectively, was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than that of ethanol leaves and seeds extracts. The in vitro antifungal activity was examined against Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Penicilliumnotatum and Rhizopus stolonifera by using the surface plate method. The aqueous leaves extract observation of the fungi plates after 48 h of incubation showed clear zones of inhibition at higher concentrations and little or no zone of inhibition observed in P. notatumand R. stolonifer at lower concentrations of aqueous leaves and seeds extracts. Therefore, aqueous leaves extract is of great importance in the discovery of new drugs for the pharmaceutical industry.


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How to cite this paper

Comparative Assessment of Vitamin Contents and Antifungal Activity of Seeds and Leaves of Unripe Pawpaw (Carica papaya L.)

How to cite this paper: Adewale Michael Esan, Oluwaseyi Barnabas Oderinde, Tolulope Omotope Omolekan, Charles Ojo Olaiya. (2022) Comparative Assessment of Vitamin Contents and Antifungal Activity of Seeds and Leaves of Unripe Pawpaw (Carica papaya L.). International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(3), 287-292.