
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Impact of Optimal Control Techniques on Dual-Bilinear Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 Pandemic

Bassey Echeng Bassey

Department of Mathematics, Cross River University of Technology, Calabar, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: Bassey Echeng Bassey

Published: August 9,2022


In enacting the goal for possible eradication of the budding COVID-19 pandemic and acknowledging the presence of epileptic availability and uncertain potent of vaccines, the present study adopted and extended the model by Bassey and Atsu (2021) to investigate the impact of optimal control protocols for the treatment dynamics of COVID-19 infection. Initiated by the transformation of the basic model to an optimal control problem, optimal characterization of the model was investigated followed by the establishment of the existence of optimal controls for COVID-19 pandemic. The study explored classical Pontryagin’s maximum principle with the incorporation of Hessian matrix for the investigation and analysis of model optimality system and its uniqueness of solutions. Using in-built Runge-Kutta of order of precision 4 in a Mathcad surface, we further presented numerical validations of established theoretical predictions. Results of numerical simulations indicated that with the application of optimal control technique under dual-bilinear optimal control functions, maximal reduction of COVID-19 transmission was highly achieved within 3-18 days with insignificant resurgence of the viral load thereafter. The study therefore, affirmed that under sustained cogent adherence to designated dual-bilinear optimal controls, optimal control technique is an efficient tool for the methodological control of COVID-19 and its related infectious diseases.


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How to cite this paper

Impact of Optimal Control Techniques on Dual-Bilinear Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 Pandemic

How to cite this paper:  Bassey Echeng Bassey. (2022) Impact of Optimal Control Techniques on Dual-Bilinear Treatment Protocols for COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation6(3), 310-331.