
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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(Re)thinking Ethics and Moral Behaviors as Complex Contagions: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Networks in The Good Place

Pooja Ichplani

College of Communication and Information, Florida state University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA.

*Corresponding author: Pooja Ichplani

Published: August 12,2022


While viral transmission is studied using simple contagions in network science, behaviors—which are more challenging to transmit or instill, fall in the category of complex contagions. Using network scientific concepts such as complex contagions that are typically applied in the domain of health and innovation diffusion, this paper is a unique contribution at the intersection of media and society, as it attempts to evaluate the sociocentric exchange of ethical and moral behaviors between the characters of Michael Schur’s The Good Place. To this end, the paper uses qualitative content analysis to extract the context and conducive conditions in the social setting that are essential to bring about such behavior change. For this, the author emphasizes on the tenets of Geertz’ thick description. Finally, the paper discusses implications that may be worth exploring in orchestrating social rehabilitation interventions aimed at transforming individuals into civically responsibly citizens in a controlled setting.


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How to cite this paper

(Re)thinking Ethics and Moral Behaviors as Complex Contagions: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Networks in The Good Place

How to cite this paper: Pooja Ichplani. (2022) (Re)thinking Ethics and Moral Behaviors as Complex Contagions: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Networks in The Good PlaceJournal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(3), 314-327.