
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Research on the Current Situation and Social Support for Losing-Single-Child Families in China

Bo Liu*, Xueming He

School of Public Administration, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006, China.

*Corresponding author: Bo Liu

Published: August 19,2022


In recent years, the problem of losing-single-child family has become an increa-singly serious social issue. To solve the problem of losing-single-child family, the government, communities and social organizations need to work together to build a comprehensive social support system for losing-single-child families. This paper uses the methods of literature research, questionnaires and interviews to under-stand the financial, health, mental, social interaction and elderly care situations of losing-single-child families, and finds losing-single-child families are faced with the following problems: single source of income, gradually declining physical functions, health problems, lack of continuity in psychological counselling, low participation in social interaction and difficulties in elderly care. In addition, this paper discusses the current situation and problems of the social support of the government, communities and social organizations for the losing-single-child families. Finally, the optimization path is proposed.


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How to cite this paper

Research on the Current Situation and Social Support for Losing-Single-Child Families in China

How to cite this paper: Bo Liu, Xueming He. (2022) Research on the Current Situation and Social Support for Losing-Single-Child Families in China. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(3), 338-349.