
The Educational Review, USA

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Analysis of Collaborative, Content & Session Based and Multi-Criteria Recommendation Systems

S. Bhaskaran, Raja Marappan*

School of Computing, SASTRA Deemed University, Thanjavur, India.

*Corresponding author: Raja Marappan

Published: August 22,2022


The recommendation systems are performing the role of information filtering in different scenarios. To provide a better recommendation, different approximation methods and soft computing strategies such as machine learning and evolutionary computing are applied. The recommendation systems fulfil the requirements of the users on time. Concerning organizations, the company like to keep their users long on the platforms to maximize the profit. Better recommendations are expected to generate positive feedback for both users and organizations. The recommendation systems utilize approaches like collaborative filtering, knowledge-based systems, and content-based filtering. Most of the common recommender systems nowadays include video and music, online stores, web content, online dating, restaurants, and social media recommendations. These systems use inputs like music, news, books, search queries, etc. The recommendation systems have also been developed for experts, research articles, collaborators, and online commercial services. This research explores the analysis of the collaborative, content & session based, and multi criteria recommendation systems.


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How to cite this paper

Analysis of Collaborative, Content & Session Based and Multi-Criteria Recommendation Systems

How to cite this paper: S. Bhaskaran, Raja Marappan. (2022). Analysis of Collaborative, Content & Session Based and Multi-Criteria Recommendation Systems. The Educational Review, USA6(8), 387-390.