
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Farmers’ Perceptions of Livestock Husbandry and Rangeland Management Practices in Two Communal Coastal Areas of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Matshawule  Sinethemba*, S. T. Beyene

Department of livestock and Pasture, Faculty of Science and Agriculture University of Fort Hare, P.O. Box 1314, Alice, Eastern Cape, Republic of South Africa.

*Corresponding author: Matshawule  Sinethemba

Published: August 30,2022


This study assessed indigenous knowledge and farmer perceptions of livestock performance, rangeland condition and indigenous feed resource management in two communal coastal areas of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. A total of 50 farmers from each communal area (Dyamdyam and Machibi) were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to determine farmer’s perceptions. The respondent included both female and male farmers who owned livestock. About 82% and 74% of households at Machibi and Dyamdyam, respectively, were male-headed. The average population of livestock species at Dyamdyam was cattle (6.0), goats (3.1) and sheep (1.2), whereas at Machibi it was cattle (8.9), goats (5.8) and sheep (1.0). Cattle and sheep are primarily raised for sale and food, while goats are primarily raised for traditional purposes such as circumcision. The primary challenges faced by farmers to raise their livestock include stock theft followed by feed shortage and animal diseases. All the respondents reported that they practice continuous grazing due to the absence of fence on their rangelands. In both villages rangelands are primarily used for grazing followed by the collection of wood and grass for building, fire and medicines. About 30% and 32% of the respondents at Dyamdyam and Machibi respectively, perceived that their rangelands were in poor conditions. Communal farmers do not control their livestock movements due to vandalised fences in their rangelands. Therefore, it can be concluded communal rangelands are continuous grazed due to the absence of fence.


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How to cite this paper

Farmers' Perceptions of Livestock Husbandry and Rangeland Management Practices in Two Communal Coastal Areas of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

How to cite this paper: Matshawule  Sinethemba, S. T. Beyene. (2022) Farmers' Perceptions of Livestock Husbandry and Rangeland Management Practices in Two Communal Coastal Areas of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(3), 309-319.