
The Educational Review, USA

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Increasing Students’ Graphic Awareness, from Activities of Converting a Situation-Context into Their Graphical Representation

Marcelino Caetano Luís

Department of Natural Science and Mathematics, Pedagogical University of Mozambique, Mozambique

*Corresponding author: Marcelino Caetano Luís

Published: June 7,2018


The conversion is an activity that leads to the mechanisms of the understanding in mathematics. In this perspective, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness that the conversion activities of a situation-context have, for the growth of the graphic awareness. The research was carried out through a questionnaire submitted to 30 students of the Mathematics and Physics courses of the Pedagogical University. The activities of the questionnaire were to convert a situation-context into a graphic sketch, from the identification of relevant cognitive variables. The individual results of the tasks show that students generally have difficulties in converting a situation-context into a graphic sketch, with a strong influence of the “semantic congruence” factor in their thoughts. But, taken together and comparatively, the results revealed that there has been a significant increase in students' graphic awareness. Indeed, as one goes from one task to another, it has been found that student performance has increased by an average of about 16%, which leads to the conclusion that the activities of converting a situation-context into a graph, increase the students' graphic awareness.


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How to cite this paper

Increasing Students' Graphic Awareness, from Activities of Converting a Situation-Context into Their Graphical Representation

How to cite this paper: Marcelino Caetano Luís. (2018). Increasing Students' Graphic Awareness, from Activities of Converting a Situation-Context into Their Graphical Representation. The Educational Review, USA, 2(6), 330-338.