
The Educational Review, USA

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Children’s Rights in Greek Education (1830s-1920s): Gender, Educational Experiences, School Life

Vassilis A. Foukas

Department of Education, School of Philosophy & Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

*Corresponding author: Vassilis A. Foukas
Published: June 7,2018


The aim of this paper, in brief, is to present the development of children’s rights in Greek education since the Greek State's establishment (the 1830s) until the first decades of the 20th century (until the 1920s). The emphasis firstly given on children's rights' to education, on the social origin of pupils -both boys and girls- on the recognition of the universal right in education and on universal schooling for both boys and girls and on the exclusionary experiences of girls from the education in the aforementioned period. In the second part, the emphasis given on children's rights in education that arise by the way in which children participate in the daily school life, namely, on the child as a passive receiver in the 19th-century educational process and in the child-centered approach according to the introduction and diffusion of Progressive Education ideas, and the development of paediatrics and specialist children’s clinics.


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How to cite this paper

Children's Rights in Greek Education (1830s-1920s): Gender, Educational Experiences, School Life

How to cite this paper: Vassilis A. Foukas. (2018). Children's Rights in Greek Education (1830s-1920s): Gender, Educational Experiences, School Life. The Educational Review, USA, 2(6), 352-359.