
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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A Comparative Study on the Role Positioning of Student Affairs Administrators in Chinese and American Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Historical Logic

Qiang Ai

School of Marxism, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.

*Corresponding author: Qiang Ai

Published: October 19,2022


Student affairs administrators in Chinese and American colleges and universities all play the roles of administrators, educators and service providers to varying degrees, but the connotations of their roles are quite different. Looking back at the development process of the role positioning of student affairs administrators in Chinese and American colleges and universities, it can be found that there is a profound historical logic behind the differences. This also suggests that we should put more emphasis on the political education responsibilities of counselors in the role-playing of counselor education; in the role-playing management, adhere to the student-centered approach and integrate management into services; The level of professionalism of the counselor. Innovation is the soul of an organization and a country's development, and it is also an important issue that modern schools must face. If the school wants to develop, it needs management innovation. Only by continuously developing and innovating can the school develop better. School management innovation means that under the guidance of innovative ideas, school leaders creatively adopt new measures to expand, update and optimize the combination of management elements to form a new management pattern and generate new management effects, so as to better cultivate innovative talents. Activity. Our current school management model has many drawbacks, so boldly adopting new management methods and introducing the latest enterprise management model into education management to explore new school management models are of great significance to the development of our school management.


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How to cite this paper

A Comparative Study on the Role Positioning of Student Affairs Administrators in Chinese and American Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Historical Logic

How to cite this paper: Qiang Ai. (2022) A Comparative Study on the Role Positioning of Student Affairs Administrators in Chinese and American Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Historical Logic. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(3), 454-461.