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Angular Momentum and Orbital Degrees of Freedom of s Electrons in an Atom—A New Quantum Theoretical Insight

K. Iyakutti1,*, V. J. Surya1, Y. Kawazoe1,2,3

1Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, 603203, Kanchipuram, Chennai, TN, India.

2New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku University, Aramaki, Sendai 980-8579, Japan.

3Department of Physics, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon, Ratchasima, Thailand.

*Corresponding author: K. Iyakutti

Published: November 3,2022


Assigning dimension to θ on par with r, in the wave function Ψ(r,θ), we have quantum engineered the orbital angular momentum and the corresponding orbital degrees of freedom of s electrons. The quantized orbital angular momentum of s electron in an atom is estimated as 0.75ћ2 using angular momentum engineering.  This restoration of orbital angular momentum leads to new additional quantum numbers to s electrons and there is a possibility for the alteration of s electron occupation. This newly discovered s electron property can be invoked where ever the present quantum theory is inadequate to explain some of the exotic properties observed in modern materials.


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How to cite this paper

Angular Momentum and Orbital Degrees of Freedom of s Electrons in an Atom—A New Quantum Theoretical Insight

How to cite this paper:  K. Iyakutti, V. J. Surya, Y. Kawazoe. (2022) Angular Momentum and Orbital Degrees of Freedom of s Electrons in an Atom—A New Quantum Theoretical Insight. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation6(4), 405-409.