
The Educational Review, USA

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A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Female Images in Traditional Stories from the Perspective of Gender Education

Xiongwei Li

The Jincheng college of NUAA, China.

*Corresponding author: Xiongwei Li

Published: November 14,2022


China’s traditional story books and periodicals are an important part of children’s books. However, many traditional story books on the market contain outdated ideas passed down from the feudal era of China; they discriminate against women and belittle women, transmit very negative genderrelated messages to children in the key period of the formation of gender values. It is harmful for children to establish a healthy gender concept. The research tries to collect, sort out and classify these stories, and analyze the female images in the stories under the guidance of critical discourse theory, and explore how women were discriminated and oppressed in the feudal patriarchal society. The research aims to improve the gender education awareness of teachers and parents, draw attention to the issue of gender stereotyping and discrimination in children’s books and prevent detrimental effects on children’s perception of women’s roles. Hopefully, it also enlightens book editors and publishers to strictly control the quality of children's books, and publish books without sexism and gender stereotypes for children.


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How to cite this paper

A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Female Images in Traditional Stories from the Perspective of Gender Education

How to cite this paper: Xiongwei Li. (2022). A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Female Images in Traditional Stories from the Perspective of Gender EducationThe Educational Review, USA6(10), 535-540.