
The Educational Review, USA

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Understanding Gender-Based Gaze Behaviors in Person Perception: An Eye-Tracking Study

Siying Chen

Rutgers University, NJ USA08854, USA.

*Corresponding author: Siying Chen

Published: November 14,2022


Understanding how people collect social cues visually during social interactions can help us improve our understanding of person perception. This study explores gender differences in gaze patterns during person perception. An eye-tracking study was conducted with ten subjects, six males and four females. Subjects viewed four photos in sequence and were asked to judge the occupations of characters shown in the photos. An eye-tracker was used to record subjects' gaze behaviors, including first fixation duration and total fixation duration. According to the results, females and males have different gaze patterns. Females pay more attention to accessories initially. In terms of total fixation duration, females pay more attention to attires than accessories, and males pay more attention to attires and faces. Compared to males, females have longer gazing time on accessories in terms of first fixation duration. These findings could improve the understanding of people's gaze behaviors during person perception.


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How to cite this paper

Understanding Gender-Based Gaze Behaviors in Person Perception: An Eye-Tracking Study

How to cite this paper: Siying Chen. (2022). Understanding Gender-Based Gaze Behaviors in Person Perception: An Eye-Tracking StudyThe Educational Review, USA6(10), 545-548.