
The Educational Review, USA

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Exploration and Practice of Gamification in Kindergarten Curriculum

Tao Zhang

Chengdu Qingyang District Fairy Tale Forest Kindergarten, Chengdu, Sichuan 610072, China.

*Corresponding author: Tao Zhang

Published: November 14,2022


In order to promote the development of education with the times, teachers should carry out the reform of early childhood education based on the new curriculum reform, follow the laws of physical and mental development of children, and design teaching activities. Play is an activity that children like very much, and it plays an important role in the healthy growth of children's physical and mental health. Under the background of quality education, the emphasis on the comprehensive development of children has been increased, and teachers should innovate the teaching mode of children. Carry out kindergarten courses in the form of games, stimulate children's interest in learning, highlight children's active learning status, build a child-centered learning environment, and create a learning atmosphere that is entertaining and entertaining, so that they can acquire knowledge happily, strengthen their bodies, and achieve quality Educational goals to promote the overall physical and mental development of children.


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How to cite this paper

Exploration and Practice of Gamification in Kindergarten Curriculum

How to cite this paper: Tao Zhang. (2022). Exploration and Practice of Gamification in Kindergarten CurriculumThe Educational Review, USA6(10), 549-551.