
The Educational Review, USA

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Teaching Belt and Road Linguistic Situation to English Majors in China: Necessity and Feasibility

Junmin Zeng

Associate Professor in Linguistics, School of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, China.

*Corresponding author: Junmin Zeng

Published: November 14,2022


China’s proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in 2013 has given rise to an increasing demand for knowledge about the linguistic contexts of BRI countries for the Chinese workforce there. To meet that urgent need, many new programs of BRI languages have been launched in colleges and universities. Additionally, it is essentially necessary and significant for undergraduates of existing foreign language programs, especially English major education programs, to be better versed in the linguistic as well as cultural situations of BRI countries, since it is increasingly likely that China’s English majors will have to work in connection with BRI customers and trading partners after graduation. The article remarks that China’s English major education has to adjust its syllabus so as to be better oriented toward BRI, and it also provides a feasible framework of teaching BRI linguistic situation to English majors, as has been tried and tested in universities for over two years.


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How to cite this paper

Teaching Belt and Road Linguistic Situation to English Majors in China: Necessity and Feasibility

How to cite this paper: Junmin Zeng. (2022). Teaching Belt and Road Linguistic Situation to English Majors in China: Necessity and Feasibility. The Educational Review, USA6(10), 552-554.