
The Educational Review, USA

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Discussion on the Innovation of Modern Educational Technology Service Management Mode in Universities

Dekai Wu1,2,*, Xiaohui Zhang2

1Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, 999078, China.

2Zhuhai College of Science and Technology, Zhuhai 519041, Guangdong, China.

*Corresponding author: Dekai Wu

Published: November 14,2022


The construction of modern educational technology service management mode in colleges and universities is characterized by strong practicality and systematicity. In the process of innovation of modern educational technology service management mode in colleges and universities, the design and implementation of teaching contents should be centered on students' development. This paper makes an analysis of the current new trends of modern education technology and service management needs, combined with the changes of modern education technology service needs.


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How to cite this paper

Discussion on the Innovation of Modern Educational Technology Service Management Mode in Universities

How to cite this paper: Dekai Wu, Xiaohui Zhang. (2022). Discussion on the Innovation of Modern Educational Technology Service Management Mode in Universities. The Educational Review, USA6(10), 559-562.