
The Educational Review, USA

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A Call for Spirituality in Academia

Dirk C. Gootjes Kasel

Woosong University, Woosong Gwan (W7) #316, 171 Dongdaejeon-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon-si, South Korea.

*Corresponding author: Dirk C. Gootjes Kasel

Published: November 21,2022


This position paper provides a general overview of Spirituality in Academia by developing the following themes: a) outlining the distinctions between spirituality and religion, highlighting that these terms are different constructs, being neither synonymous nor coterminous, but not excluding a broad and strict definition of Spirituality (Griffin, 1988) that can mitigate their antipodal nature, allowing the individual the freedom to forge her own notion of spirituality; b) describing spirituality in academia based on Astin’s (2004) carefully worded definition; c) exploring the diametrically opposed relationship between spirituality and science that has relegated the spiritual side of teaching to an exiguous state; d) arguing why spirituality in academia is germane in the 21st century class or teaching environment thanks to popular pedagogical trends like student-centered learning, transformative learning, and online learning; e) looking at three educator perspectives toward the classroom (rentership, ownership, and stewardship) that have an effect on educator attitudes and roles in the classroom; and f) discussing what spirituality looks like in practice in the classroom. Finally, educators are called to action to embrace contemplative/mindfulness practices in their academic work in and out of the class-room for the benefit of all stakeholders in academia.


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How to cite this paper

A Call for Spirituality in Academia

How to cite this paper: Dirk C. Gootjes Kasel. (2022). A Call for Spirituality in Academia. The Educational Review, USA6(10), 594-600.