
The Educational Review, USA

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Digital Citizenship is the Foundation of Cybersecurity Education

Isabella Corradini1,*, Enrico Nardelli2

1Themis Research Center and Link & Think Research Lab, Italy.

2University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and “Laboratorio Informatica e Scuola”, CINI, Italy.

*Corresponding author: Isabella Corradini

Published: November 22,2022


Cybersecurity is a very hot topic for all countries, given the increase of cyberat-tacks and their negative effects on the general economy. Traditional approaches tend to manage cybersecurity essentially through technological solutions, which however guarantee only short-term effects. Actually, investing in people’s education represents the key driver to handle such a complex issue effectively and when it comes to school education, teaching digital citizenship is fundamental to empower children to move responsibly and safely in the digital world. In this paper, we present a study investigating the awareness actions deployed by Italian teachers belonging to primary and secondary schools in order to develop digital citizenship for their students, in accordance with a specific law that has introduced the teaching of digital civic education into the Italian school system. Answers were provided by 1,008 teachers coming from all over the country and belonging to primary and secondary schools, participating in a national project whose goal is to spread basic knowledge in informatics and educate students to a proper use of digital technologies. The results show how teachers are very active in implementing specific actions aiming at developing their students’ digital citizenship. At the same time, they expressed the need to be supported for improving their actions addressed to students. Finally, they provided interesting insights for future actions in this area.


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How to cite this paper

Digital Citizenship is the Foundation of Cybersecurity Education

How to cite this paper: Isabella Corradini, Enrico Nardelli. (2022). Digital Citizenship is the Foundation of Cybersecurity Education. The Educational Review, USA6(10), 601-608.