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Convergent Validity between Two Motor Skills Tests Used to Assess Motor Functions in Children with Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities

Fang-Tsyr Chang

Collaborat Team Serv Elementary Sch Special Educ, Dept Educ Special Educ, Univ Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, China.

*Corresponding author: Fang-Tsyr Chang

Published: November 24,2022


Competence in the motor domain and satisfactory motor skills show children to interact with their surrounding environment and play important roles to engage in daily occupations. The most common form of motor skill assessment is the use of performance-based tests. Despite its widespread current use in research and its potential for clinical application, there is litter research on convergent validity of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC) and Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) for typically developing school-aged children. The agreement between these two tests for children with learning disabilities (LD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) is still not known. The aim of this study was to investigate the convergent validity between these two assessment tools for children with learning disabilities (LD) and intellectual disabilities (ID). 50 participants was recruited (8 subjects with intellectual disabilities and 42 subjects with learning disabilities). The Pearson correlation showed that the MABC (or MABC-2) was significantly associated with the BOTMP (or BOT-2) for both gross motor test items and fine motor test items. The MABC and BOTMP appear to assess associated motor skill abilities in children with intellectual disabilities and learning disabilities.


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How to cite this paper

Convergent Validity between Two Motor Skills Tests Used to Assess Motor Functions in Children with Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities

How to cite this paper: Fang-Tsyr Chang. (2022). Convergent Validity between Two Motor Skills Tests Used to Assess Motor Functions in Children with Learning Disabilities and Intellectual Disabilities. The Educational Review, USA6(10), 640-650.