
The Educational Review, USA

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The Permanence of Change: Perspectives on Instructional Delivery Changes Post-Pandemic in Community Colleges

Jim Maddox1, Michael T. Miller2,*

1Teaching Assistant Professor, Human Resources and Workforce Development, University of Arkansas, USA.

2Professor, Higher Education, University of Arkansas, USA.

*Corresponding author: Michael T. Miller

Published: November 24,2022


Community colleges, like all of higher education, had to navigate extreme challenges during the onset of the Covid-19 virus. In particular, academic leaders had to identify strategies for effectively modifying instructional delivery during the pandemic, using new and existing strategies to meet student needs, schedules, and safety. Using data from community college instructional leaders, the study identified how colleges responded to the needed instructional delivery change, and noted that over a two-thirds of these leaders perceived that these changes will be somewhat to very permanent moving into the future. This may hint at the ‘new normal’ within the community college landscape. Higher Education overall is in flux and what changes become permanent remain to be seen. This study highlights how change is managed in complex adaptive systems and calls for increased flexibility, collaboration, and engagement of organizational members, in this instance, that of the faculty.


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How to cite this paper

The Permanence of Change: Perspectives on Instructional Delivery Changes Post-Pandemic in Community Colleges

How to cite this paper: Jim Maddox, Michael T. Miller. (2022). The Permanence of Change: Perspectives on Instructional Delivery Changes Post-Pandemic in Community CollegesThe Educational Review, USA6(10), 651-657.