In order to understand phase transition processes like solidification, phase field models are frequently used. The energy (heat) equation for temperature is coupled with another nonlinear parabolic p.d.e. that includes a second unknown, the phase, which takes characteristic values, such as zero in the solid phase and one in the liquid phase. We consider the parabolic system of p.d.e’ s
which may be considered as a simplified phase field model. Here, ϕ=ϕ(x,y,t) is the phase indicator function, u=u(x,y,t) is the temperature, q,p, and f are given scalar functions, and A is a 2×2 diagonal matrix of given functions of ϕ. This system is posed for t≥0 on a rectangle in the x,y plane with appropriate boundary and initial conditions. We solve the system using a finite difference method that uses for first equation recursive Euler and Crank-Nicolson method the other equation. We prove a convergence result for the method and show results of numerical experiments verifying its order of accuracy.
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