
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Dynamic Food Insecurity and Resilience of Smallholder Households in a Local Food System: The Pandemic Experience in Nigeria

John Chiwuzulum Odozi

Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo, Nigeria, P.M.B. 1066, Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: John Chiwuzulum Odozi

Published: December 1,2022


Research background: In Nigeria’s local food system, staple foods, Animal sourced foods, perishable foods such as fruits, and vegetables are important food products that are produced processed stored, transported and traded mostly by smallholder participants in the supply chain. COVID-19 pandemic compounds system’s shock through the negative impact on health, employment and income. Food security and nutrition are outcomes of a food system linked to the interrelated interaction of the food supply chain, consumer behaviour and the food environment -Biophysical, Physical, economic, Political, social cultural factors, Opportunities and conditions-. Strengthening the resilience capacity of participants have been ad hoc given the paucity of data necessary for targeted policy intervention. Purpose of the article: The paper examines the pattern of food inse-curity of smallholder participants, the dynamics of their food insecurity and the role of resilience capacity. Methods: The paper used the Nigeria COVID-19 Na-tional Longitudinal Phone Survey (NLPS) 2020 household data set collected by the National Bureau of Statistics with technical support from the World Bank for the analysis. It used summary statistics; markov matrix and logistic regression to analyse the aforementioned objectives. Findings & Value added: The findings reveal a doubling of food insecurity over the period considered. Poorer households experienced a 0.53 points increase in food insecurity rate over the period. The probability of escape from food insecurity was four times less likely compared to the probability of entering into food insecurity. Farm productive assets reduced the probability of persistent food insecurity while housing quality increased the probability. Safety nets increased the probability of escaping food insecurity while farm inputs and markets access reduced food insecurity persistence. While farm productive assets and farm inputs and market access are important resilience capacity that can promote persistent food security and reduce persistent food insecurity, capacities such as Safety nets can play important role of helping participants in local food systems from escaping food insecurity.


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How to cite this paper

Dynamic Food Insecurity and Resilience of Smallholder Households in a Local Food System: The Pandemic Experience in Nigeria

How to cite this paper:  John Chiwuzulum Odozi. (2022) Dynamic Food Insecurity and Resilience of Smallholder Households in a Local Food System: The Pandemic Experience in Nigeria. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(4), 394-402.