
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Japanese and Taiwanese Fathers’ Perspectives of Father Involvement

Yoko Ito1, Satomi Izumi-Taylor2,*, Chia-Hui Lin3

1Faculty of Education, Chiba University, Japan.

2Department of Instruction and Curriculum Leadership, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, Tennessee, USA.

3Early Childhood Education Department, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan, China.

*Corresponding author: Satomi Izumi-Taylor

Published: December 2,2022


Father involvement influences young children’s learning and development. Few studies, however, have attempted to examine Japanese and Taiwanese father’s perspectives of fathering. The purpose of this study was to examine Japanese and Taiwanese fathers’ notions about this subject. The participants consisted of 82 fathers of five years old on the main island of Japan and 95 fathers of five year olds from Taichung, Taiwan. The Japanese and Taiwanese fathers were professionals from lower to middle-class families. The data came from written answers of these fathers’ awareness of their roles, their involvement in childrearing, and sources of childcare knowledge. The results of quantitative analysis revealed that Japanese and Taiwanese fathers’ perceptions of fathering were both similar and different. Their awareness of the father’s role, involvement in childrearing, and resources for childrearing information were closely related to their own cultural and social contexts. The implications for early childhood educators are presented.


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How to cite this paper

Japanese and Taiwanese Fathers' Perspectives of Father Involvement

How to cite this paper: Yoko Ito, Satomi Izumi-Taylor, Chia-Hui Lin. (2022) Japanese and Taiwanese Fathers' Perspectives of Father Involvement. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(4), 530-538.