
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Brief Analysis of the Influence of Visual Culture Research on Design Art

Muxin Zhou

Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 102600, China.

*Corresponding author: Muxin Zhou

Published: December 5,2022


The design art discipline has gradually developed into a cross-network. The research on design art should not be limited to the research of art design itself, but should include sociology, anthropology, psychology, communication and other disciplines into the development of contemporary design art. This paper studies visual culture in the context of design art, and discusses the social phenomenon in contemporary design art through theory, method, perspective, etc., that is, analyzing the construction factors of landscape society and the forming conditions of consumer culture. And explore the important nodes formed in the design art research and visual culture research under the context of design art. Using the image symbols formed in the Neolithic Age to illustrate the study of ancient Chinese artifacts and culture, and to compare the method of visual culture research with traditional research methods, this paper expounds the function of visual culture research in the design art discipline from multiple perspectives.


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How to cite this paper

Brief Analysis of the Influence of Visual Culture Research on Design Art

How to cite this paper: Muxin Zhou. (2022) Brief Analysis of the Influence of Visual Culture Research on Design Art. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(4), 539-542.