Article Open Access
By Pierce “Trinomial” Start to See the New Chinese Style Furniture
Lu Yu
Yunnan College of Humanities and Art of Industrial and Commercial Technology, Kunming, Yunnan 650000, China.
*Corresponding author: Lu Yu
Published: December 5,2022
With the development of the market economy, consumers' good educational background and increasingly personalized values, the expectations of furniture products and service levels are getting higher and higher, the furniture market has also entered the marketing stage of product segmentation, market segmentation, business circle segmentation, Chinese furniture business is also gradually extending to the direction of home culture, enterprise specialization, product serialization and market segmentation, will be the trend of furniture industry development. Article based on Pierce "trinomial" theory, a new Chinese furniture in the trinomial model, through the comparative analysis of the design case, demonstrate the problem of new Chinese furniture, that if you want to break the deadlock of new Chinese style design, cultural symbols need to be explained again in the environment, from the interpretation to create objects, become a new symbol transmission to the design text, thus to complete the new text writing.
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How to cite this paper
By Pierce "Trinomial" Start to See the New Chinese Style Furniture
How to cite this paper: Lu Yu. (2022) By Pierce "Trinomial" Start to See the New Chinese Style Furniture. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 6(4), 543-548.