
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Article Open Access

Truthfulness of Journalism in the Post-truth Era under Immanuel Kant's Theory

Yuexuan Li

The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia.

*Corresponding author: Yuexuan Li

Published: December 6,2022


The article delves into the presence of 'truthfulness' in the post-truth era, based on Immanuel Kant's theory on the presence of 'truthfulness' in the news. In the post-truth era, digital technology and the plethora of communication channels have increased the prevalence of "fake news" in the political realm. Political interference has had a significant impact on post-truth journalism. Particularly regarding news communication in Western democracies, where fakes news has gradually eroded the democratic system, and social media has become a big platform in the political realm resulting in the loss of "gatekeepers" for journalism and causing mass communication chaos. To prevent social platforms from becoming instruments for political opinion, platforms should tighten their monitoring of material release and build a reliable truth-seeking method. Modern technology should be used to conduct efficient information authenticity. The post-truth phenomena in journalism should be countered by enhancing mass communication, promoting social media communication, and employing tech-nology to restore truth to the news.


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How to cite this paper

Truthfulness of Journalism in the Post-truth Era under Immanuel Kant's Theory

How to cite this paper: Yuexuan Li. (2022) Truthfulness of Journalism in the Post-truth Era under Immanuel Kant's Theory. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(4), 549-554.