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Optimal Control Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission Model with Physical Distance and Treatment

Faizunnesa Khondaker1,2, Md. Kamrujjaman2,*, Md. Shahidul Islam2

1Department of Mathematics, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

*Corresponding author: Md. Kamrujjaman

Published: December 8,2022


The transmission dynamics with optimal control of the novel COVID-19 pandemic is formulated and analyzed through a deterministic model using different human compartments. This research work investigated the effect of different control strategies in the form of physical distance and treatment. The basic reproduction number, R* is calculated and used to perform sensitivity analysis to identify the most influential parameters in disease transmission. Optimal control theory and Pontryagin’s maximum principle are used to optimize the model and obtain important optimality conditions to reduce disease burden. Optimal control analysis and numerical simulations reveal that the combined implementation of physical distance and treatment as interventions is more effective than other single control strategies discussed in this study and which yields a good result in reducing infection.


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How to cite this paper

Optimal Control Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission Model with Physical Distance and Treatment

How to cite this paper: Faizunnesa Khondaker, Md. Kamrujjaman, Md. Shahidul Islam. (2022) Optimal Control Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission Model with Physical Distance and Treatment. Advance in Biological Research3(1), 65-76.