A Duoethnography Study: How People’s Lived Experiences Brought Them to Graduate School
Chen Han
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA.
*Corresponding author: Chen Han
Published: December 19,2022
This research explores how people’s lived experiences influence their academic life and graduate program decisions. The author used a duoethnography study grounded on the storytelling methodology in which through the researchers’ eyes and tell stories of their own experiences in relation to the topic at hand-family, identity, schooling to interpret their experiences with a certain event (Bhattacharya, 2017). Each duoethnographers examine their own life histories, the focus is ultimately not on the self and become the sites of the studies. They also contemplate how they developed. That is, they attempt to unpack the trajectory of their lives—to understand the motivations, events, and circumstances that shaped their development. A duoethnographic dialogue would be a good research instrument to obtain insights about the study participants’ experiences, interpretations of those experiences that brought them to graduate school. The researcher was also implemented some technologies, such as semi-structured in-depth interviews, and transcripts, to collect the information. The analysis was conducted through an inductive process based on dual learning and inquiry conversations.
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How to cite this paper
A Duoethnography Study: How People's Lived Experiences Brought Them to Graduate School
How to cite this paper: Chen Han. (2022). A Duoethnography Study: How People's Lived Experiences Brought Them to Graduate School. The Educational Review, USA, 6(11), 687-692.