
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

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Tuned Controller’s Gain Tested under Grid Voltage Sags Using PSO Algorithm

Mariam Chouket*, Achraf Abdelkafi, Lotfi Krichen 

Department of Electrical Engineering, National School of Engineering, University of Sfax, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia

*Corresponding author: Mariam Chouket

Published: July 23,2018


This paper presents a novel command technique of wind turbine generator connected to the power grid based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. This optimization technique uses as an objective problem the instantaneous state of the system which depends on the wind speed, the reactive power and the grid voltage variations, to search for the optimal combination of the regulator's parameters. Consequently, the Online Multi Fitness using PSO algorithm (OMFPSO) is employed to minimize the Integral Time Absolute Error (ITAE) of each used regulator by PSO algorithm. This optimization technique leads to have a robust command and stable system with less oscillation and reduced settling time. In comparison with conventional proportional integrator (PI) controllers, simulation results prove the performances of the used technique under different operating conditions particularly by eliminating the distortion caused by imperative grid voltage sags.


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How to cite this paper

Tuned Controller's Gain Tested under Grid Voltage Sags Using PSO Algorithm

How to cite this paper: Mariam Chouket, Achraf Abdelkafi, Lotfi Krichen. (2018) Tuned Controller's Gain Tested under Grid Voltage Sags Using PSO Algorithm. Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2(1), 6-18.