Sergei V. Gavrilov1, Andrey L. Kharitonov2,*
1Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS, 123995, RF, Moscow, D-242, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 10
2Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the RAS, 108840, RF, Troitsk, Kaluzhskoe highway, 4, IZMIRAN
*Corresponding author: Andrey L. Kharitonov
Thermomechanical model of the mantle wedge subducting under the
lithospheric plate with a velocity V at an angle β is obtained for the
infinite Prandtl number fluid as a solution of non-dimensional 2D hydrodynamic
equations in the Boussinesq approximation. Numerical modeling of mantle thermal
dissipation-driven convection accounting for phase transitions and temperature
and pressure dependence of the “wet” olivine viscosity shows the characteristic
convective rolls scale be approximately of same scale as the spatial wavelength
of localization of the oil- and gas-bearing zones in the Timan-Pechora region.
The scale of localization periodicity of the oil- and gas-bearing zones equals
approximately to convection cell dimension this equality being an extra evidence
for convective mechanism of non-organic hydrocarbons transport to the Earth's
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How to cite this paper
The Solution Of 2D Hydrodynamic Equations In The Boussinesq Approximation: A Mechanism Of Hydrocarbons Transport To The Earth's Surface
How to cite this paper: Sergei V. Gavrilov, Andrey L. Kharitonov. (2018) The Solution Of 2D Hydrodynamic Equations In The Boussinesq Approximation: A Mechanism Of Hydrocarbons Transport To The Earth's Surface. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2(8), 266-270.