In academic research, it is quite essential to know the merits of the qualitative approach, quantitative approach and mixed method approach, think about the philosophy of research methodology and the importance of the ethical dimensions for educational research, moreover, how this plays a key role in developing research approach. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of approaches to research in education and help to equip researchers both to understand and evaluate research studies and to carry out a small-scale research study. In that case, researchers could compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of such approaches to find the most suitable research approach to fit the research purpose. Hence, this is a question-oriented research study and hopefully, it could give researchers a brief overview of how to investigate research and an understanding of the nature and purpose of educational research and the roles that research can play in education systems. Furthermore, it enhances and enriches a critical approach to the evaluation of research methods and their application in particular contexts and knowledge of the range of approaches to research design and data collection and analysis.
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