
The Educational Review, USA

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Exploring China’s English Grammar Teaching Methods under Different Concepts and Perspectives in the New Era

Jing Liu

Institute of Education Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430074, China.

*Corresponding author: Jing Liu

Published: January 5,2023


This paper reports on the problems of English grammar teaching in China in the new era, and explores ways to propose improvements in response to the problems. First, it responds to the multiple controversies of English grammar teaching at present and emphasizes the importance of English grammar teaching. Second, the current situation of English grammar teaching in China is analyzed and the problems are pointed out. Immediately after that, the theoretical concept perspective is developed from constructivism and consciousness-raising methods, respectively. In addition, advanced foreign grammar teaching methods are briefly introduced, from which the parts that are worthy of learning and applicable to the current situation of teaching in China are found. Finally, specific methods and suggestions are provided for the improvement of grammar teaching in China, and it is emphasized that in the new era, we need to keep reflecting and exploring, and do our best to solve all difficulties.


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How to cite this paper

Exploring China's English Grammar Teaching Methods under Different Concepts and Perspectives in the New Era

How to cite this paper: Jing Liu. (2022). Exploring China's English Grammar Teaching Methods under Different Concepts and Perspectives in the New Era. The Educational Review, USA6(12), 848-851.