Mehmet Fatih CAN1, Yaşar Subutay PEKER1,*, Şahin KAYMAK1, Sezai DEMİRBAŞ2
1University of Medical Sciences, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Turkey
2TOBB-ETÜ University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Yaşar Subutay PEKER
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How to cite this paper
Transduedonal Excision Of Ampullar Adenoma; Case Report
How to cite this paper: Mehmet Fatih CAN, Yaşar Subutay PEKER, Şahin KAYMAK, Sezai DEMİRBAŞ. (2018) Transduedonal Excision Of Ampullar Adenoma; Case Report. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research, 2(7), 90-92.