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Wireless Network Analysis and Optimization Based on the Social Media Data

Haijing Zhang

Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK.

*Corresponding author: Haijing Zhang

Published: January 13,2023


With the development of 5G, the number of mobile communication users is growing rapidly. The requirements for network communication quality are becoming increasingly high. Then the demand for wireless network optimization, especially based on social media data, rises at a super-linear rate. This paper aims to improve the performance of wireless network quality. To do this, we first collect social media data (Twitter). Clustering algorithms are one kind of machine learning (ML). We then apply two established clustering methods: K-means and Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) to achieve data classifier. Furthermore, we discuss the clustering results of these two algorithms and the deployment of base stations using it. Finally, the results show that it is helpful for operators to design the coverage of wireless network.


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How to cite this paper

Wireless Network Analysis and Optimization Based on the Social Media Data

How to cite this paper: Haijing Zhang. (2022) Wireless Network Analysis and Optimization Based on the Social Media Data. Advances in Computer and Communication3(2), 57-69.