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The Main Natural Sources of Global Climate Variability Occurring Even before the Industrial Era

Desta Abayechaw

Department of Agronomy, Wondo Genet Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia Institute of Agricultural Research, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Desta Abayechaw

Published: January 14,2023


Natural global climate variability and fluctuations are characteristic of the global climate and occur on both long- and short-time scales as common phenomena. Therefore, natural influences on the global climate variability even before the industrial era may include changes in solar energy, naturally occurring water vapor and CO2 in the atmosphere, volcanic aerosol and GHG emissions, and cyclical oscillations in the oceans. However, natural variability and weather extremes, in particular local warming, influences people’s belief in climate change and their willingness to support potentially costly climate mitigation measures. Among natural sources of global climate variability, Volcanism has been a major driver of past climate variability by reflecting the incoming sunlight away from the Earth’s surface. According to this review paper, man-made climate variability in addition to natural global climate variability increase climate change from the global to the local level in below thirty years.


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How to cite this paper

The Main Natural Sources of Global Climate Variability Occurring Even before the Industrial Era

How to cite this paper: Desta Abayechaw. (2022) The Main Natural Sources of Global Climate Variability Occurring Even before the Industrial Era. OAJRC Environmental Science3(1), 10-22.