
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Feminist Interpretation of the Novel of Educated

Qun Gao

The Open University of China, Anda branch China, Anda city, Heilongjiang Province, China.

*Corresponding author: Qun Gao

Published: January 15,2023


Educated is an autobiographical novel by Tara Westover, which tells the story of Tara's life and growing process, which was dominated by patriarchy and domestic violence before she was seventeen years old, and the life reversal of Tara's self-study through the entrance examination of Young Bermuda, and then her master's degree and doctor's degree from Cambridge University. This essay analyses the effects of family controlled by patriarchal philosophy on Tara through feminist interpretation, Tara's life reversal reflects her insistence on her right to be educated as a woman, dissects Tara's awakening of women's consciousness and the struggle for women's right to speech, and shows her process of reshaping her female consciousness, getting rid of patriarchal spiritual slavery and building female living space of her own through education and historical retelling. Tara finally liberated herself from spiritual slavery, found her inner belonging, finally gained a positive, free and independent personality, achieved reconciliation with herself.


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How to cite this paper

Feminist Interpretation of the Novel of Educated

How to cite this paper: Qun Gao. (2022) Feminist Interpretation of the Novel of EducatedJournal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science6(4), 809-813.