Article Open Access
Disinfectant Efficacy Trial on Tomato Plants Infected with ToBRFV (Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus)
Damla Ulusoy1,*, Hakan Fidan2, Serkan Kasapoğlu1
1Anamas Tarım Ltd. Şti. Antalya, Turkey.
2Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Akdeniz University, Antalya, Turkey.
*Corresponding author: Damla Ulusoy
Published: January 17,2023
In this study, experiments were conducted to determine the effectiveness of disinfectants against ToBRFV under controlled and field conditions. A total of 184 plants was involved this study using the Samyeli F1 variety from Anamas company with the random blocks trial design. Tomatoplants which are known hosts of ToBRFV were planted according to a randomized block experimental design consisting of one infected plant in each block. To ensure that control group plants were infected with ToBRFV; the tomatoes were mechanically inoculated (three times) using the soft sponge pad method when they reached the true two-leaf stage. In the evaluation of the effectiveness of disinfectants in farmer conditions against ToBRFV; disinfectants with active substances such as 0.5-1% HCl, 11.2% Hydrogen peroxide and disinfectant containing silver (300cc/100lt) were found to be effective. It has been observed that these disinfectants, which are applied with hand sprayers, have a preventive effect on the spread of the virus in an uncontaminated greenhouse after single application in a week. At the end of the experiment, the plants in the greenhouse were subjected to molecular tests. The bands seen in the gel electrophoresis show that the disinfectants are not effective on the related virus agent and the plants are 100% infected with ToBRFV. As a result, it was observed that disinfectants that were effective under controlled conditions delayed the disease epidemic in the greenhouse. However, the disinfectants was not effective in the prevention of ToBRFV infection in studies conducted under field conditions. In addition to the early diagnosis of the presence of virus diseases and the removal of diseased plants from the greenhouse, routine hygiene procedures in the greenhouse are also very important for the control of this virus. For this reason, disinfectant studies to prevent ToBRFV from infecting tomato production areas should be considered.
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How to cite this paper
Disinfectant Efficacy Trial on Tomato Plants Infected with ToBRFV (Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus)
How to cite this paper: Damla Ulusoy, Hakan Fidan, Serkan Kasapoğlu. (2022) Disinfectant Efficacy Trial on Tomato Plants Infected with ToBRFV (Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus). International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 6(4), 428-432.