
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Progress in Research on Work Adjustment Disorders in New Nurses

Jinyan Chen1, Hongfang Chen1,2,*, Miaoqing Zhuang1, Jiayi Wang1, Yue Lu1, Luyu Zhang1, Xinghuan Wang1

1School of Nursing, Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, Shaanxi 712046, China.

2Personnel Office, Shaanxi Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710003, China.

*Corresponding author: Hongfang Chen

Published: February 6,2023


Work adaptation disorder is a common problem among new nurses. New nurses are in the process of changing their roles from nursing students to clinical nurses, facing various frustrations and confusions, and are prone to work adaptation disorder, which can lead to a decline in work quality, mental health problems, work burnout, reduced enthusiasm for work, and tension in the nurse-patient relationship, seriously affecting the professional development of new nurses. This has a serious impact on the career development of new nurses. The aim is to draw the attention of nursing managers and nursing researchers to the work adjustment disorders of new nurses and to provide references for nursing researchers to conduct research on work adjustment disorders of new nurses.


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How to cite this paper

Progress in Research on Work Adjustment Disorders in New Nurses

How to cite this paper: Jinyan Chen, Hongfang Chen, Miaoqing Zhuang, Jiayi Wang, Yue Lu, Luyu Zhang, Xinghuan Wang. (2023) Progress in Research on Work Adjustment Disorders in New Nurses. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research7(1), 49-55.