
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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Postcolonial Tourism and National Identity: Postcolonial and Ethnolinguistic Insights on Tourism in Indonesia

Heriyanto, Lestari Manggong*, Kasno Pamungkas
Department of Linguistics and Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: Lestari Manggong
Published: September 28,2018


Grounded on postcolonial and ethnolinguistic theories, as well as employing discourse analysis, the present study aims to discuss postcolonial tourism from historical and cultural point of views, which is mostly related to national identities. As such, this arti-cle concerns with issues connected to the relationship between aspects of historical and cultural tourism during postcolonial era on the one hand, and Indonesian national identity on the other. This article argues that tourism, especially historical/cultural tourism, has the power in constructing and maintaining national identities because this particular tourism relies mostly on historical symbols of the nation. In addition, ethnolinguistically, this article also suggests that symbolism in daily Indonesian lan-guage usage can also serve as a means to promote tourism in a more effective way.



How to cite this paper

Postcolonial Tourism and National Identity: Postcolonial and Ethnolinguistic Insights on Tourism in Indonesia
Heriyanto, Lestari Manggong*, Kasno Pamungkas
Department of Linguistics and Department of Literature and Cultural Studies, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author: Lestari Manggong, M.A., Universitas Padjadjaran.
How to cite this paper: Heriyanto,  Manggong, L., & Pamungkas, K. (2018). Postcolonial Tourism and National Identity: Postcolonial and Ethnolinguistic Insights on Tourism in Indonesia. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science, 2(5), 11-19.