Article Open Access
Development of a Reflective PPG Signal Sensor
Cui Zhang1,*, Xiaofei Li2
1School of Electrical and Automation Engineering, Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology, Benxi, Liaoning, China.
2MCC Coke Resistance (Dalian) Engineering Technology Co., Ltd, Dalian, Liaoning, China.
*Corresponding author: Cui Zhang
Published: March 7,2023
PPG signal which reflects the blood volume changes in the microvascular bed of tissue plays an important role in the cardiovascular disease diagnosis. It possesses high value to acquire the PPG signal accurately. Because the available measurement site of transmission mode PPG sensor is very limited, this paper presents a reflective PPG signal sensor which consists of a photodiode and four light sources surrounding the photodiode. The Monte Carlo simulation was performed to decide the distance between the light source and photodiode. To test the efficacy of the developed sensor, PPG signals were captured from five different measurement sites. The experiment results reveal that the proposed PPG signal sensor could acquire high quality PPG signals. As can be seen from the figures, all the captured PPG signals have high quality, except for the chest PPG signal which is inferior to other signals, this may be accounted by the influence of respiration.
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How to cite this paper
Development of a Reflective PPG Signal Sensor
How to cite this paper: Cui Zhang, Xiaofei Li. (2023). Development of a Reflective PPG Signal Sensor. Engineering Advances, 3(1), 43-46.