Article 10.26855/jamc.2018.10.003
Deforestation or Reforestation, A Time Series Remote Sensing Perspective of Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka
K.U.J.Sandamali1*, D.R.Welikanna2
1Dpt. Remote Sensing and GIS, Faculty of Geomatics, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, PO Box 02, Belihuloya, Ratnapura, Sri Lanka
2Dpt. Surveying and Geodesy, Faculty of Geomatics, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, PO Box 02, Belihuloya, Ratnapura, Sri Lanka
*Corresponding author: K.U.J.Sandamali
Published: October 31,2018
National parks by far could be considered as the heart of a countries
bio network. This study attempts to identify and analyze the forest cover and its changes in the Wilpattu national park of Sri
Lanka, which has grown into a level of a national crisis. The rapid utilization
of remote sensing satellites and techniques has provided a reliable and near
real time possibilities to characterize terrestrial ecosystem properties. In
this study a series of Landsat imagery ranging from the year 1975 to 2015 have
been used for the analysis. Initially, Support vector machine (SVM) based land
cover classification was performed for all the images and the changes in the
forest class was determined. Secondly Vegetation indices Normalize Difference
Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalize Difference Water Index (NDWI) Green
Normalize Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI) were used to separately extract
the Vegetation, surface water and canopy conditions respectively. Deforestation
rate was calculated based on definitions from FAO (Food and Agriculture
Organization). The study found out that there is a reforestation inside the
national park (annual reforestation rate of 0.17%), while deforestation outside
close to the boundaries of it (annual deforestation rate of -0.29%).
How to cite this paper
Deforestation or Reforestation, A Time Series Remote Sensing Perspective of Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka
How to cite this paper: Sandamali, K.U.J., Welikanna, D.R. (2018) Deforestation or Reforestation, A Time Series Remote Sensing Perspective of Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2(10), 473-482.
DOI: 10.26855/jamc.2018.10.003