
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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To Explore How to Enhance the Efficacy of Administrative Penalty

Yang Chai

China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Yang Chai

Published: March 29,2023


Administrative penalty is one of the specific administrative acts, whose purpose is to standardize the behavior of the counterpart and guide the counterpart of penalty to be good. However, due to the personal interest motive, low moral level and lack of legal literacy, some administrative law enforcement officials abuse their discretionary power and impose administrative penalty on the counterpart of penalty in violation of legal procedures, which not only increases the litigation burden of the counterpart of penalty, wastes limited judicial resources, and has a negative social guiding effect. It also tramples on the authority and dignity of the law, and will seriously undermine judicial credibility and weaken the government's management function. Therefore, it is imperative to enhance the efficacy of administrative penalty. This article proposes to investigate the personal legal responsibility of some administrative law enforcement officials who impose administrative penalties against the law, improve the moral and legal literacy of administrative law enforcement officials, regulate the discretionary power of administrative penalties, directly cancel administrative penalties in violation of legal procedures, and conduct judicial review of the rationality of administrative penalties, so as to seek possible ways to enhance the efficiency of administrative penalties. Give full play to the guiding and educational role of administrative penalty, and constantly improve and perfect the social management function of administrative organs.


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How to cite this paper

To Explore How to Enhance the Efficacy of Administrative Penalty

How to cite this paper:  Yang Chai. (2023) To Explore How to Enhance the Efficacy of Administrative Penalty. Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(2), 429-433.