
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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A Brief Analysis of the Justice Thought in The Communist Manifesto

Jiangnan Sun

School of Marxism, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Jiangnan Sun

Published: March 31,2023


The Communist Manifesto was a program drafted by Marx and Engels for the Communist League. It was the first scientific theoretical document of communism. The thought of justice is the ideal belief expressed by Marx in the Communist Manifesto, and also the application and development of Marxist thought of justice in contemporary times. With the development of social economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, justice has gradually become a common understanding of the society and a pursuit of value. Therefore, how to accurately understand and apply the concept of justice put forward in the Communist Manifesto and make it an important theoretical reference material for our theoretical research and philosophical thinking is a question that we need to seriously face and answer when thinking about the topic of justice. This paper will discuss the concept of justice, the justice thought in the Communist Manifesto, distributive justice and so on.


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How to cite this paper

A Brief Analysis of the Justice Thought in The Communist Manifesto

How to cite this paper:  Jiangnan Sun. (2023) A Brief Analysis of the Justice Thought in The Communist ManifestoJournal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science7(2), 465-469.