
The Educational Review, USA

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Examining the Application of Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

Steven George Francis Luwingu 
Singachini Teachers' College in Kilimanjaro Tanzania, Tanzania
Corresponding author: Steven George Francis Luwingu
Published: November 20,2018


This Paper discusses how the application of Mathematical Skills influences the learn-ing outcomes in Chemistry. The study took a mixed method approach where data were collected using questionnaire, interview guides, observation checklist. Document analysis framework, audio recorder, camera, and field notes. The findings of the study revealed that there are various perceptions for students and teachers on the application of Mathematical skills in Chemistry and these includes; Chemistry involves topics having a difficult Mathematical application, mathematical background of the students and students’ negative stereotype in mathematics. And challenges identified include lack of instructional materials, shortage of competent teachers, the mismatch between the intended curriculum and the implemented classroom and lack of collaboration between Chemistry and Mathematics teachers. The study recommends that there is a need for the government to enroll more Chemistry and Mathematics teachers and mathematics teachers, provision of Mathematical support programs to students having difficulty in Mathematics and review of the curriculum for teacher education so as to incorporate courses like mathematics for physics and Mathematics for Chemistry for student teachers who opt to become physics and mathematics teachers respectively.



How to cite this paper

Examining the Application of Mathematical Skills in Chemistry

How to cite this paper: Luwingu, S. G. F. (2018). Examining the Application of Mathematical Skills in Chemistry. The Educational Review, USA, 2(11), 526-534.
Full Text: PDF  DOI: 10.26855/er.2018.11.003