
The Educational Review, USA

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The Effect of Music Therapy on Children Who Have Experienced Maltreatment

Yunqian Sun

Liuzhou Vocational & Technical College, Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Yunqian Sun

Published: April 24,2023


Some universal benefits of music therapy on maltreated children have been discussed across topics, including the flexible, dynamic, creative, and engaging features of music. However, the specific ways through which music therapy could assist patients with different types of maltreatment history are also observable. Within the two extant research areas, for sexually abused children, the researchers have discussed music as a symbolic means of expression, safe and nonthreatening communicative properties of music, and how music can restructure victims’ behavioral patterns. For emotionally neglected children, the significant effect on parent-child bond and interaction is emphasized. That childhood trauma is an issue frequently happening in our lives. We, as educators, will very likely have traumatized children in our classes. As a potential music teacher, I really want to learn more about how we can help this population by using music. I specifically focused on one common type of childhood trauma, maltreatment. However, there is just a very small amount of research about childhood mal-treatment and music classroom strategies. Therefore, I decided to examine in a broader scope how music therapy can be applied in this field and adapt some implications for teachers. This literature review is based on related articles and books from 2000-2019.


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How to cite this paper

The Effect of Music Therapy on Children Who Have Experienced Maltreatment

How to cite this paper: Yunqian Sun. (2023). The Effect of Music Therapy on Children Who Have Experienced Maltreatment. The Educational Review, USA7(3), 353-357.